Wednesday, April 11, 2007

CleanTech as a Career

The green in Clean Tech applies to corporate profits as well as creating a lighter global foot print. Finding the right opportunity can meet people’s social conscience as well as be a prospect for wealth creation.

Where to look for a job in CleanTech?

Find a multi billion or trillion dollar industry that has shown little innovation in the last 25+ yrs. Some general categories that are used can be Power, Water, and Materials.

Think about if consumers or corporations have changed how they value the product/service offerings. In addition there may be sweeping regulatory changes that force the implementation of new ways of conducting business.

For example in the Power Industry there is the emergence of Smart Grid technologies. They are one of the first steps necessary for new energy solutions (Inserts below taken from “The Emerging Smart Grid”)

North America’s Enormous Electric Power Infrastructure

The North American Power Industry comprises more than 3,000 electricity utilities, 2,000 independent power producers, and hundreds of related organizations. Together they serve 120 million residential customers, 16 million commercial customers, and 700,000 industrial customers. With about $275 billion in annual sales, the industry is one of the continent’s largest – 30% larger then automobile industry 100% larger than Telecommunications. North American utilities own assets with a book value of nearly $1trillion, roughly 70% power plants and 30% grid. The continent has 700,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines, owned by about 200 different organizations and valued at more than $160 billion. It has about 5 million miles of medium-voltage distribution lines and 22,000 substations owned by more than 3,200 organizations and valued at $140 billion. The North American electric power industry will purchase more than $20 billion in Grid infrastructure equipment in 2005, nearly ¼ of the world wide total of $81 billion.
Smart Grid of the Future
120th Century Grid21st Century Smart Grid
3One-way communications (if any)2 way communications
4Built for centralized generationAccommodates distributed generation
5Radial topologyNetwork Topology
6Few sensorsMonitors and sensors throughout
8Manual restorationSemi-automated restoration and, eventually, self healing
9Prone to failures and blackoutsAdaptive protection and islanding
10Check equipment manuallyMonitor equipment remotely
11Emergency decisions by committee and phoneDecision support systems predictive reliability
12Limited control over power flowsPervasive control system
13Limited price informationFull price information
14Few customer choicesMany customer choices

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